Welcome to the
Wake Up Experience Event Details
Date: 2nd September 2023
Time: 9am - 1pm
Price: Free
Spaces: Spaces are limited
Wake Up Experience
I invite you to discover true freedom
After working with thousands of clients and students I have discovered we are all hardwired to believe that happiness comes from getting what we want and by avoiding what we don't want.
And yet no one has ever been successful in acheiving this - no one!
So why do we keep trying to make 'life' out there the way we want to feel good inside?
In short, we are conditioned away from our true nature, which is the only source of lasting happiness, fulfilment and healing.
You're not taught at school or at home to discover who you are as the primary means to thrive in this life. In fact, the subject of YOU is still taboo in our society. It’s a highly uneducated, no go zone subject shrouded in fear, denial and ungrounded spiritual fluff.
In my 15 years of experience as a holistic therapist, coach and self-educator, greater levels of 'Self' understanding and 'Self' awareness has played the most vital role in:
- Transforming relationship drama
- Healing chronic health issues
- Overcoming addiction
- Trauma recovery
- Getting what you really want
- Naturally discovering purpose
NO EXCEPTIONS! Self discovery was at the core.
All the spiritual books finally make sense after the Wake Up Experience. I can't put into words my gratitude ~ Sarah, NZ
The Wake Up Experience is jam packed full of value. Here is a taste of what’s on offer:
1. Discover who you really are as an undeniable experience.
2. Get experiential clarity of what the Ego is and how it manifests in your life.
3. Experience the place inside you that is undisturbed by anything life throws at you.
4. Learn a step-by-step process to resolve all problems or triggers you experience.
5. Get the top 5 questions that uncover the root cause of any problem that results in stress, anxiety, depression or overwhelm.
6. Learn a step-by-step process that stops you from attracting and manifesting your unconscious fears.
7. Discover the skills and habits that free you from relationship drama, chronic health issues, addictions, sabotage, boundaries issues - any self created problem you have.
The Wake Up Experience is an invitation to discover who you are beyond limiting Ego-States, not conceptually or philosophically but for real.
I want you to be absolutely clear about who you really are - NO IF'S, BUT'S or MAYBES.
With this clarity, you can pay attention, acknowledge and fall in love with who you really are.
This is the most important and quintessential step in:
- Overcoming struggle and drama
- Holistic Self Healing
- Resolving relationships nightmares
- Discovering your purpose
- And loving this life
I invite you to join me for this FREE Wake Up Experience LIVE WORKSHOP.
So why is it free? I trust those who want to nourish and integrate what they have discovered will be naturally called to journey alongside me and other like-hearted people who truly yearn for freedom in this life.
Chris has a way of making really complex themes really simple and really practical, there’s no fluff.
Unlike other self-development approaches that left me always feeling like I needed to do more or just be better, in this approach everything is peeled back to its core, the beautiful essence of the self.
I am so grateful to have come across Chris and his work and to say it is life changing doesn’t seem enough. I have landed and come home to a sense of calm and peace that I didn’t know was possible and I have practical tools to return again and again. I have let go of notions of getting rid or triggers and now see them and pieces of wisdom guiding me home. I have recently had a child and I know I can help my son live a more joy-filled, grounded and life of freedom as I am now doing. ~ Gemma, AUS
I have been in complete overwhelm only getting bits and pieces done but mostly at a standstill.
Wake Up Experience Event Details
Date: Saturday 2nd September 2023
Time: 9am - 1pm
Price: Free
Spaces: Spaces are limited