Self Intelligence Coaching
Do you have a natural call to help people?
Are you the ‘go-to-person’ when family, friends and colleagues need support with the issues in their life?
Do people naturally feel comfortable opening up to you, including strangers who tell you things people wouldn’t normally discuss?
And although you haven’t been “formally trained” to help people, you often intuitively know what to say that makes a meaningful impact in people's lives…
If this sounds like you, I invite you to take your natural gifts a step further.
Many people who have the gift of helping and empowering others with their ‘personal problems’ and ‘dramas’ often limit their full potential to offer more in-depth support.
Why is this?
There are many reasons. Lacking confidence, self-doubt, feeling like a fraud, not feeling good enough, fear of confrontation, and feeling cynical that people really want to take responsibility for their lives. Sound familiar...?
You may not resonate with the ‘helping modalities’ on offer in our society.
You may not be interested in being a therapist who spends their days trying to fix symptoms that don't deal with the root causes of stress and lifestyle-related pain and disease.
You may not want to spend big money and years of studying to be a ‘talk therapist’ or psychologist who diagnoses people with conditions you don’t resonate with.
You may cringe at the idea of becoming a motivational, 'goal-setting' coach dangling the carrot of ‘future’ happiness
And you may have no interest in being hailed as a Guru who claims to have all the answers.
But instead…
You love the feeling when you can support, educate and guide someone to ‘see’ themselves clearly.
You feel energised when empowering people with internal awareness that uproots the real issues in their lives.
It feels amazing when you can offer experiences, skills, and practices that give people the confidence to be true to themselves no matter what life throws at them.
If your calling is to support people through 'self-education' and 'inner work' that makes a meaningful impact on people's relationships, health, purpose and much more...
Self Intelligence Coaching may be exactly what you have been looking for.
Nothing is more satisfying and fulfilling than witnessing the inner growth and empowerment of another human being.
Discover Self Intelligence Coaching
And here's the best part...
1. You don't need to be a guru with all the answers.
You are given a tried and tested step-by-step framework that does the heavy lifting and takes out all the guess work. There is no pressure on you to have the answers.
2. You don't need another degree or modality i.e. psychologist, massage therapist or yoga teacher to get to the root causes.
The root causes are actually very simple and holistic but are often avoided because they can be challenging. Facing real issues removes all the complexity.
3. You don't need the 'science' to validate what you know is true.
We have all the science to back you up. Everything you learn is evidence based.
4. You don't need to have everyone's solutions.
All solutions are personalised and unique because they come directly from the client. No more one-size-fits-all cookie cutter solutions.
5. You don't need to have the pressure to fix people and have clients dump their issues on you.
You are given the tools and techniques that generate self-awareness, self-responsibility and accountability. You learn to guide 'Action and Acceptance Based Healing'.
6. You don't need to feel overwhelmed with opening pandora's box.
You are given the complete framework and personal growth to hold space for deep investigation without having to be more than who you are right now.
7. You don't need to worry about overstepping your scope of practice.
Our program is certified with IICT and insurance is available with BMS.
Certification Requirements
Step 1: Course
Complete the Self Intelligence Online Course within 12 months of purchase.
Step 2: Community
To be eligible for certification you must be a member of the Self Intelligence Community for a minimum of 12 months.
Step 3: Logbook
You are required to complete a logbook that involves a total of 10 guided processes.
Approved Modality

Self Intelligence Coaching is an approved modality with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists IICT.
Completion of the course awards you certification as a Self Intelligence Coach Level 1 Practitioner, which can be utilised and integrated in a diverse range of professions (insurance is approved with BMS).
The Self Intelligence Coaching qualification enables you to consult people in all areas of their lives to ensure they fulfil their true potential and create an optimal internal and external environment for holistic healing.
Professional Application
Self Intelligence Coaching is a stand alone qualification, which gives you everything you need to confidently see paying clients.
If you have existing qualifications, Self Intelligence skills and coaching processes have been trialled and tested to seamlessly integrate into 1-1 sessions, group work, online courses and niche services.
Self Intelligence skills and coaching processes are not rigid, they are designed to be used in any way you see fit for yourself and your clients. The following is a list of just a few of the professionals who have integrated Self Intelligence knowledge and skills to drastically improve client outcomes and their business success.
Self Improvement Specialists:
Life Coaches, Mentors, Consultants & Lifestyle Advisors
Psychologists, Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Energetic Healers, Art Therapists
Teachers and Trainers:
School Teachers, Yoga, Pilates, Fitness Instructors, High Needs Educators
Change Management, Human Resources, Sales, Executive Level Management
Community Workers:
Social workers, Disability and Aged Care workers, Police Officers
Scope of Practice
The Self Intelligence Coach's role is to provide education, experiences and skills that support 1:1 clients or groups to:
- Live beyond psychological fear
- Transform 'shadow' challenges
- Heal inner-child wounds
- Recover from trauma
- Remove internal blockages that cause procrastination and sabotage
- Resolve relationship drama, negative patterns, and toxicity
- Create boundaries
- Resolve addictions
- Overcome limiting beliefs, conditioning and past stories
- Activate intuition, purpose, vision and aligned values
- Increase Emotional Intelligence
- Create the internal environment for holistic, natural healing of mind and body
- Understand the Ego and how it manifests in various areas of life
- Identify and transform psycho-emotional triggers
- Release toxic emotions
- Reduce stress, confusion and overwhelm
- Develop life changing awareness
- Develop advance communication skills
- Cultivate true freedom, fulfilment and happiness
The Self Intelligence Coach facilitates this through one-to-one consultancy or group coaching support where the client can develop specific skills and habits with the guidance of the coach.
The skills and habits include:
- Self Enquiry
- Trigger Enquiry
- Emotional Release Meditation
- Body Language
- Empowered Dialogue
Join the waitlist for the next course!
Your path to becoming a Self Intelligence Coach starts here.